东莞市生茂线带有限公司 店铺已关闭且无效

主营产品:彩色凯夫拉线绳 彩色大力马线绳 夜光反光伞绳 夜光反光安全绳 电线电缆填充线绳 导电线 抗静电导电绳 芳纶织带 大力马织带 导电织带
极速定制厂家直销电动绞盘 牵引绳 替代钢丝起重吊装

极速定制厂家直销电动绞盘 牵引绳 替代钢丝起重吊装

东莞市生茂线带有限公司 进入商铺


产品介绍 规格属性 产品名称:绞盘绳,替代大力马绳迪尼玛绳的国产高性价比产品 材料成分:uhmwpe 规格:常用6mm,直径从0.5mm至20mm均可定制 颜色:绞盘绳用于代替钢丝,常用蓝色以示区别。其它颜色如白色、黑色、红色等常规颜色皆可定制。除单色外还可指定花色定制 包装:按要求包装,100米/轴、200米/轴、500米/轴、1000米/轴 6m绞盘绳,可为绞盘厂做配套 产品展示 本色白色 黑色绳 带索具的成品 各种直径规格均可定制 详细参数各直径产品性能参数产品直径 每米克重 破断拉力 断裂延伸率 4mm 10g 1.7t <3.5% 6mm 24g 3.2t <3.5% 8mm 37g 6t <4.5% 10mm 56g 9.5t <4.5% 12mm 82g 14t <4.5% 16mm 120g 22t <5%  uhmwpe超高分子量聚纤维,80年代由荷兰dsm公司和日本toyobo公司合作开发成功。dsm公司商品名为dyneema,美国allied signal公司商品名为spectra,目前高强度聚纤维已经国产化。1、强度比凯芙拉约高出40%,比碳纤维高两倍,是目前世界上已商业应用强度高的纤维,制成绳索后强度是同直径钢丝的7倍。2、线密度:0.96,比水轻,也是高强材料中一密度轻于水的材料,所以特别适用于海洋石油、船舶系缆、海洋渔业等工业应用。3、抗切割,有自润滑性,热稳定性≥145℃熔化,用粒子制成的板材和管材已大量用于工业领域,显示出良好的替代性。4、表面光滑,摩擦系数低,不易起毛,适用于大吨位绞盘和起重吊装,拥有比同类产品更加优异的性能;5、断裂伸长率:3.5%,弯曲疲劳性较凯芙拉好,大大降低替换率,降低综合使用成本;6、耐腐蚀性极强,在海水中性能变化可忽略不计;7、抗辐射性好,在紫外线下稳定;8、价格比凯芙拉略贵。 用途说明 绞盘绳相较钢丝更轻,拉力更强,紧急破断时对人员的伤害小 初次装载或使用后回盘与钢丝的操作相同 成卷成品。注意报价仅限绳子,不含索具 诸多优点集于一身,成品电动绞盘性能升级的必备品   大力马绳的其它应用领域包含但不限于下列所示: 1、电力架线牵引、气模/热气球牵引、工程施工牵引2、影视索道技术、影视吊威亚3、海底作业牵引、海上作业、帆船、舰船4、极地户外探险、户外拓展、军事作业、丛林作业5、极地户外帐篷防风绳、军事帐篷防风绳固定绳6、机械升降绞盘绳、起重吊装绳7、摩天大楼室外清洗等高空高危作业安全防护绳带 拿样规则   线类产品可免费提供小卷样品或色卡,如有小批量测试需求,可提供试机小线卷,运费到付。绳带类产品按使用需求给付样品,费用拍付。需要指定颜色的定制,请寄小样。有其它特殊功能、规格要求的都可以满足。按阿里巴巴免费拿样规则,在买家拿样后,15天内在本店铺单笔订单金额达到1000元即以上时,返还拿样费用。其它未尽事宜,欢迎旺旺或电话咨询。 售后说明1、物流运费说明 店铺报价不含运费,运费由买家承担。小件货物发快递,大件发物流。需要发ems或顺丰的,请下单前旺旺沟通,需要补运费。需要指定快递才能到件的,请务必在下单时备注(如:发申通、中通等),默认快递店家可能会因合作原因有更换,不另行通行。快递费按运费模板系统自动计算,如果与实际费用相差较大,下单后请联系店家修改运费。大件货物买家可自行安排自己熟悉的物流上门提货,也可由卖家安排物流,运费到付(货送到后运费直接付给物流即可)。根据到货地址远近,及数量的多少,则运费不同,具体敬请咨询。 2、在线下单 功能性线、带、绳索因为规格多样按需定制,展示产品定价仅供参考,实际成交价按终成品的规格、颜色、功能、使用材料和加工工艺等旺旺或电话沟通商议。 3、在线支付 支持支付宝交易,请拍下后当天内付款。打样打版费按约定直接支付宝转账或转账。大宗订单可分期付款。 4、退换货政策 到货后请买家仔细确认货物完好后再签收,按打样封样要求,产品无质量问题不退不换。特殊情况请来电沟通,以大利于买家的原则处理。保证诚信经营,长久合作。 5、制度说明 可开,需另外加点数。支持公对公直接转账,请旺旺或电话索取账号。 公司介绍   东莞市生茂线带有限公司成立于1999年,是一家老牌专业生产高品质绳索、织带、缝纫线的生产厂家。公司立足东莞产业带,基于本地区成本优势,结合一贯坚持的严格质量管控体系,产品得到新老客户的一致认可与长期合作。所生产产品规格齐全,除常规品种以外,公司不断加大科研力度,研发出了防火阻燃耐高温系列,防水防污染系列,高强抗拉耐切割系列,多彩段染系列,导电防静电防护系列,吊装防护安全绳索线带系列,抗酸碱耐腐蚀系列等一系列高新技术产品。主打功能性产品包括:高分子聚(大力马)纤维/线/绳/带,防火阻燃耐高温纤维/线/绳/带,彩色芳纶纤维/线/绳/带,高强耐磨耐切割纤维/线/绳/带,涤纶高强阻燃线/绳/带,kevlar纤维/线/绳/带,耐热玻纤纤维/线/绳/带,防水防紫外线纤维/线/绳/带,抗静电导电纤维/线/绳/带,金银丝线,弹力线,热溶线,水溶线,彩色段染线,涤纶棉线(棉包涤、涤包涤包芯线)等等全规格全系列产品。本着诚信经营、稳健发展、精益求精和互利共赢的理念,以优质产品和人务立足市场,竭诚欢迎新老客户来电来函索样、商洽、合作、共赢! 国外玩家使用心得synthetic winch lines: the good and the bad does synthetic stand up to all the hype? or will it break under the pressure? may. 01, 2007 by jarred meyer just recently some of my friends and i went out on a ride through some trails and found ourselves knee deep in mud. despite getting stuck we were in high spirits for we knew our warn xd9000i would have no trouble getting us out. at least so we thought. it was late in the afternoon and the sun was beginning to set. eager to move on we began hooking up to different trees and eventually realized we would have to pull the truck around the other direction in order to get it out from the mud hole. an hour went by and we began to get impatient as the sun set behind the trees. as night fell upon us a steady rain began to fall. another half-hour went by and i had unspooled and spooled the cable about 5 or six times. my hands were aching from running the rough cable through them. we were getting very close to getting out and would need to spool the cable once more for a difficult but final pull up the side of the trail. at this point my hands hurt so bad that i spooled the steel cable in a way that some of the coils were crossing over each other. unfortunately the headlights shining right in my face prevented me from realizing just how bad i had spooled up the steel cable. it finally tensioned up and i returned to the driver seat with the controller. the truck began to pull up the side of the trail nicely and was almost out when i heard a subtle pop. the truck slid back down into the trail and my friend danny went to the front of the truck to see what happened. he looked back at me with a rather terrified look and i knew at that point we had a problem. danny reached down and lifted up the severed end of the winch cable that was pinched off from inside the drum. although we finally managed to get out of that situation i was left without a cable for my front winch. after doing a bit of research i came across synthetic winch ropes. i had heard of these before but assumed they weren’t as strong or durable as the steel cables. after furthering my research, the truth to these winch lines was beginning to become clearer. i found that they had a stronger tensile strength than the steel, were much safer, and weighed much less. this all seemed too good to be true and concluded that they had to cost a fortune more. again i was wrong. although they did cost slightly more, the fact that they were safer was worth it on its own. unlike the steel, the synthetic lines have minimal stretch and store little energy. if you are winching a vehicle and a steel cable were to break it would snap back similar to a bungee cord and could potentially cause serious injury, vehicle damage or even death. in the same situation with the synthetic, you would be much safer because the rope has not stretched under the load and will simply drop to the ground in the instance a breakage occurs. luckily enough our new cables never broke so i could not validate this personally, but looking around on the internet never turned over any exceptions to this claim. in any case you should always take all the same safety precautions as you would with any winching situation. next selling point would have to be the overall strength of synthetic. believe it or not but in a side by side comparison of the same diameter winch line, the synthetic has a higher tensile strength. along with these benefits are other positives to the synthetic winch lines as well. they weigh much less than the steel cables; unlike the steel cables which can get burrs and cut your hands open, synthetic are soft and will never get any sharp abrasions on them, a 规格 : 2mm,3mm,4mm,6mm,8mm,10mm ; 颜色 : 蓝色 ; 货号 : dmrb ; 适用范围 : 产业用,起重吊装、绞盘牵引 ; 品牌 : 生茂 ; 主要原料 : uhmwpe ; 品名 : 绞盘绳、起重绳、吊绳、牵引绳、高强pe绳、高分子聚绳 ;
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主营:彩色凯夫拉线绳 彩色大力马线绳 夜光反光伞绳 夜光反光安全绳 电线电缆填充线绳 导电线 抗静电导电绳 芳纶织带 大力马织带 导电织带